viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2007

Kiss me, Hold me

Name of the show:

‘Kiss me, hold me’.
Music and sensuality in the Spain of Cervantes.


Mª Angeles Cortés (Soprano)
Mª Angeles Chacón (Vihuela)

The matter:

In ‘Kiss me, hold me’ we can find some examples of secular songs from the16th century dealing with love in a most sensual and erotic way. All of them are regarded from a drama point of view and overstating the meaning of the text to set the contents out. Some of the songs have to do with forbidden love, with lovers desire… A woman is the narrator and the main character of the story in almost all of the songs. We can find the same feelings and needs in these old stories as in our present days.

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S. Jorge representa la victoria sobre lo demoníaco encarnado en el dragón. Nosotras reconvertimos la figura del dragón en símbolo del miedo que mata, aplasta y paraliza a todo lo creativo y al que nosotras queremos combatir.